AYUSHDHARA https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara <p><strong>AYUSHDHARA</strong> is an international peer reviewed Bi-monthly open access journal publishing print and online versions. AYUSHDHARA focused towards the publication of current research work carried out under Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, Allopathy systems of medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences. <br /><br /><strong>AYUSHDHARA</strong> title approved for print version by Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India, Ministry of Information And Broadcasting, New Delhi <strong>(RNI Registration No: TELENG/2014/60297)</strong>.</p> <p><strong>AYUSHDHARA</strong> an emerging academic journal in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy which deals with all facets of the field of research work conducting various institutes and researches. This journal motive and aim is to create awareness, re-shaping the knowledge already created and challenge the existing theories related to the field of Academic Research in any discipline in AYUSH Systems strive to set the highest standards for superiority in everything we do in content, style and aesthetics of presentation, in editorial performance at every level, in transparency and accessibility to the scientific community and public, and in educational value.</p> <p>The journal aims to publish novel research being conducted and carried out of academic and industry authors, researchers, and readers in a medium customized for the discovery, integration, and application of research. We are inviting professors, researchers, professionals, academicians and research scholars to submit their novel and conjectural ideas in the domain of AYSUH Systems in the shape of <strong>(1). Original Research Articles (2). Review articles (3). Book Reviews (4). Short Communications/ Research Letter (5). Case Report (6). Letter to the Editor/Correspondence.</strong></p> <p class="para1">Ayurved Samhita &amp; Siddhanta (Ayurvedic Compendia &amp; Basic Principles), Rachana Sharir (Anatomy), Kriya sharir (Physiology), Dravyaguna Vigyan (Materia Medica &amp; Pharmacology), Rasashastra (Ayurvedic Metals &amp; Minerals/Iatrochemistry) Bhaishajya Kalpana (Pharmaceuticals Science), Agadtantra &amp; Vidhi Vaidyaka (Toxicology &amp; Forensic Medicine), Svasthavritta (Preventive, Social Medicine &amp; Yoga), Roganidana &amp; Vikriti Vigyan (Pathology &amp; Diagnostic Procedure), Kayachikitsa (General Medicine), Manovigyan &amp; Manasroga (Psychiatry), Rasayan &amp; Vajikaran (Rejuvenation &amp; Aphrodisia), Panchakarma (Five Bio-cleansing Procedures), Prasuti &amp; Stri Roga (Gynecology &amp; Obstetrics), Kaumarbhritya-Balaroga (Pediatrics), Shalyatantra (General Surgery), Shalakyatantra (Otorhinolaryngology/ENT &amp; Ophthalmology).</p> <p class="para1">Research articles on above the subjects using current scientific knowledge viz., Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Drug Standardization, Quality control, Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Pharmacology, Preclinical research, Clinical research, Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Pharmacovigilance. Studies on Literary, Basic and Fundamental research, Preventive and Promotive Healthcare, Local Health Traditions, etc. which provide the leads to the original research are also acceptable.</p> <h3 class="hd">Pharmaceutical Sciences</h3> <p class="para1">Further, studies on Herbal/Natural products in the area of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Drug delivery systems, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical analysis, Herbal/Ayurvedic Pharmacy practice, Bioinformatics and Pharmaceutical biosciences.</p> en-US editor@ayushdhara.in (Dr B Srinivasulu M.D (Ayu.)) ayushdhara14@gmail.com (V Sowmya) Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 The Efficacy of Amruta Guggulu (Internal) and Madhuyashtyadi Taila (External) in the Management of Vatarakta w.s.r. to Gouty Arthritis https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1534 <p>Ayurveda is the only medical science which has focused more on prevention of diseases and maintenance of health. The system advocates for a balance between lifestyle, diet, upright attitude. In the modern context of life, people and their dietary habits, lifestyle, social structure and environment have undergone a remarkable change leading to many avoidable diseases. <em>Vatarakta</em> is one among those diseases. The name <em>Vatarakta</em> indicates the unique pathology of morbid <em>Vata dosha</em> and <em>Rakta dhatu</em>. Based on aetiolgy, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms <em>Vatarakta</em> can be compared with Gouty Arthritis of contemporary medicine. It is a painful metabolic disorder caused due to hyperuricemia, which in turn is caused by genetic factors, dietary factors which are rich in purine, alcohol consumption, drugs, smoking and lack of physical activity. In moderns medicine Gouty Arthritis is treated by NSAIDS, steroids, uricosuric agents, allopurinol, febuxostat etc. But in due course all these drugs can lead to adverse effects when used for long duration. This causes additional trouble to the patients. Keeping this in view, there is a need for simple, safe and effective treatment. Hence this study has been initiated to evaluate the clinical efficacy of <em>Amruta guggulu</em> (internal) and <em>Madhuyashtyadi taila</em> (external) in the management of <em>Vatarakta</em> w.s.r to Gouty Arthritis.</p> Jyothi Rapolu, K. Laxmikantham, P.Srikanth Babu Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1534 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Effect of Abhyantara Snehapana and Vamana Karma in Patients with Normal and Abnormal to Lipid Profile https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1521 <p>In the recent years, India and other developing countries are witnessing a rapid escalation in lifestyle disorders like diabetes, coronary artery disease, obesity, hypothyroidism, etc. The prime causative factor for all the lifestyle disorders is hyperlipidemia or dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is defined as a metabolic disorder that occurs due to abnormal blood lipid levels. This may lead to increase in the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, stroke and other circulatory disorders. The abnormal lipid levels may include increase in triglycerides, VLDL, LDL and decrease in HDL. <em>Vamana karma</em>, a bio-purificatory emesis, being the major <em>Panchakarma </em>therapy has its greatest influence on almost all the lifestyle disorders. Lifestyle disorders aren’t possible without the involvement of <em>Kapha dosha</em> and <em>Medho dhatu. Vamana</em> is the first line of choice in the treatment of disorders caused by the aggravation of <em>Kapha</em> <em>Dosha</em> or <em>Kapha</em> associated with <em>Pitta dosha</em>. <em>Vamana karma</em> involves a pre-procedure called <em>Snehapana</em>, which include administration of high quantity of medicated lipids for a maximum period of seven days, followed by the bio-purificatory emesis or <em>Vamana karma</em>, a process of elimination of morbid <em>Doshas</em> from the oral route. Considering the high amounts of lipid usage in <em>Snehapana</em>, it becomes essential, to monitor its impact on lipid profile in patients undergoing <em>Vamana karma</em> for various etiologies. The present clinical study is of paramount importance as there were no previous studies on the impact of <em>Sneha pana </em>and<em> Vamana</em> in patients with both normal and abnormal lipid profiles. The statistical significance of results were quantitated by paired t test. Although <em>Snehapana followed by Vamana, </em>did not significantly alter levels of total cholesterol, and LDL, it did cause a significant reduction in triglycerides (p=0.0013) and VLDL (p=0.0038), improvement of HDL (P=0.02) in all the patients with abnormal lipid profile. However the values remained within the limit in patients with normal lipid parameters.</p> Bommidi Sri Durga Sindhu, Praveen Kumar Madikonda, B Johar Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1521 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Role of Viddha Karma in Management of Galaganda https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1537 <p><strong>Background: </strong>In Ayurveda, <em>Galaganda</em> which is characterized by neck swelling is well known. <em>Galaganda</em> is often compared with Goiter which is related with Thyroid disorders. <em>Aaharaja</em> and <em>Viharaja Hetus</em> cause vitiation in <em>Vata, Kapha</em> and <em>Meda</em>. These vitiated <em>Doshas</em> reach the neck and the Nape of the neck gets lodged therein causing swelling in the neck which gradually develops having their respective symptoms. <strong>Case Report:</strong> In this present study an Indian Female Patient aged 30 years known case of Hyperthyroidism and swelling over the neck for 1 year was treated by <em>Viddha Karma</em> Therapy. </p> <p><strong>Result:</strong> The 7 consequent sittings of <em>Viddha Karma</em> led to regression of the size of Thyroid Gland as well as reduction of cervical lymphadenopathy and thus provided relief in signs and symptoms. Also, there were positive significant changes observed in the Thyroid profile and USG reports. This is an effort to find a better and faster treatment for <em>Galaganda</em> by successfully treating the case of <em>Galaganda</em> with <em>Viddha Karma </em>Therapy.</p> Sayali S. Shinde, Neeta S. Kala, Sumit N. Kala Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1537 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Evaluation of Pressure Pain Threshold for Marma Therapy Using Pressure Algometer: A Survey Study https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1508 <p><em>Marma Chikitsa</em> is a gem of Ayurveda, a non-invasive therapy in which a very gentle stimulation of <em>Marma</em> points is done to instigate the flow of <em>Prana</em> which was occluded due to disturbed flow of <em>Vata</em>. To perform this therapy, a particular amount of pressure is to be applied on the specific <em>Marma</em> point. This study is being conducted to assess the pressure pain threshold of value of <em>Marma</em> in healthy individuals. Pressure pain threshold, was measured accordingly by a device called “Pressure Algometer” on <em>Rujakara Marma</em> i.e.,<em> Manibandha</em>, <em>Kurchashira</em> and <em>Gulpha</em> for left as well as right side. The pressure was applied by algometer at two sites that is, at the centre point of <em>Marma </em>and other on the periphery of the <em>Marma</em>, within the range of <em>Pramana </em>of <em>Marma</em> (according to the <em>Pramana</em>, as described in the text). Time duration for the procedure on a particular <em>Marma</em> will be from the skin surface contact with algometer till Grade 2 of pain scale (VAS) and the reading of algometer will be recorded for each <em>Rujakara Marma</em> in a particular volunteer. The results are recorded and shared in this article.</p> Sonia Meend, Sunil Kumar Yadav, Bhumica Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1508 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Pharmaceutical Preparation of Amrita Guggulu and its Clinical Efficacy on Vatarakta https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1499 <p>This study scrabbles about into the pharmaceutical preparation of <em>Amrita Guggulu</em>, a traditional Ayurvedic formulation known for its therapeutic properties. The focus of the research is on assessing the clinical efficacy of <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> in managing <em>Vatarakta</em>, a condition characterized by vitiated <em>Vata</em> as well as <em>Pitta</em> and associated with inflammatory joint disorders. The pharmaceutical preparation involves meticulous formulation techniques, ensuring the quality and potency of the final product. Standardization parameters include the selection of authentic raw materials, adherence to traditional preparation methods and quality control measures. <strong>Clinical Trial Design:</strong> The clinical trial was designed as a randomized, double-blind study to assess the efficacy of <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> in patients diagnosed with <em>Vatarakta</em>. Participants were randomly assigned to either the treatment group receiving <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> group A or group B. A comprehensive clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> in patients diagnosed with <em>Vatarakta.</em> Key parameters such as joint pain, inflammation in joint, tenderness, burning sensation in affected area, skin rashes and tingling sensation were selected for the study. Overall improvement was assessed using standardized tools and patient-reported outcomes. <strong>Result:</strong> Preliminary findings indicate promising results, suggesting that <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> may play a significant role in alleviating symptoms associated with <em>Vatarakta</em>. The observed effects include a reduction in joint pain, improved joint function, and decreased inflammatory markers. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research contributes valuable insights into the pharmaceutical preparation of <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> and highlights its potential as an effective intervention for <em>Vatarakta</em>. On the basis of this clinical trial, we can say that S. Uric acid is not the confirmatory parameter for the decision of <em>Vatarakta</em> (gout). Further studies and long-term observations are recommended to solidify these findings and establish <em>Amrita Guggulu</em> as a viable therapeutic option in managing inflammatory joint disorders.</p> Sanjiv Kumar, Prabhat Kumar Dwivedi, Vijay Shankar Pandey Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1499 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A Randomized Comparative Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Kusthadi Lepa and Jalaukavacharana along with Manjishtha Churna in Yuvanpidaka https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1529 <p>Face is the most important organ is affected by curtained anomalies in adolescent age i.e., 16-30 years and commonest anomaly which disfigures the face in youth is Acne vulgaris. Acne is major problems at the puberty age. Acne vulgaris affects 85% of young adults aged 12–25 years and is one of the top three most common skin disorders in general populations. Symptomatology of acne vulgaris resembles with <em>Yuvanpidaka</em>. <em>Manjistha Churna, Kusthadi</em> <em>Lepa</em> and <em>Jalaukavacharana</em> was taken and effort was made to see the effectiveness of these all drugs in the management of <em>Yuvanpidaka. </em><strong>Aim: </strong>To evaluate the role of <em>Kusthadi Lepa </em>and<em> Jalaukavacharana </em>along with <em>Manjishtha Churna</em> in <em>Yuvanpidaka. </em><strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> Present clinical study was a randomized comparative trial for the management of <em>Yuvanpidaka</em>. Total 40 patients were enrolled and divided into two groups. <em>Manjistha</em> <em>Churna</em> with <em>Kusthadi Lepa</em> and <em>Manjistha Churna </em>with <em>Jalaukavacharana</em> were given to 20-20 patients of Group A and Group B respectively for duration of 30 days. Patients were assessed by clinical signs and symptoms of <em>Yuvanpidaka</em>. Statistical analysis was carried out by Software: In Stat Graph Pad 3 (version 3.10). <strong>Results: </strong>Highly significant results were found on Group B comparison to Group A on both subjective and objective parameters. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The study revealed that both the drugs have significant effects but Group B shown higher significant results compare to Group A in the management of <em>Yuvanpidaka</em>. So it can conclude that both the drugs can be used for <em>Yuvanpidaka</em>.</p> Nilkanth Upadhyaya, Sarika Yadav, Chhaju Ram Yadav Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1529 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Management of Chronic Persisting Varicose Ulcer Through Modest Ayurvedic Intervention https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1503 <p>Varicose ulcer is one of the most common venous disorders which occur as a complication of varicose vein. Venous insufficiency, venous reflux and venous hypertension not only result in dilation and tortuosity of the veins but are also responsible for both dermatological and vascular complication, resulting in the manifestation of varicose ulcer. It is a slow healing chronic recurrent ulcer accounting for almost 80% ulceration of lower extremities. A 50 years old man visited the OPD with complains of pain, swelling, discolouration and wound over the anterior aspect of the left leg above the ankle joint for 6 months. He had a history of varicose vein since 10 years. Six setting of <em>Jalaukavacharan</em> (leech therapy) along with internal administration of <em>Shamana Aushadhi</em> and external cleansing and dressing of ulcer have been done for a period of 1 and a half month. Gradual improvements of symptoms have been observed. The complete ulcer healing evidence has provided an interesting and encouraging result to the scholar and practitioner of this field. The <em>Shamana Aushadhi</em> like <em>Mahamanjisthadi kwath, Kaishor Guggulu, Yastimadhu, Guduchi Sattva</em> and <em>Jalaukavacharan</em> as <em>Sastra karma</em> have showed excellent <em>Vrana Ropaka</em> or ulcer healing effect in a long standing critical venous ulcer.</p> Anupam Biswas, Swadha Tiwari, P.B. Kar Mahapatra Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1503 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Remission of Type-2 Diabetes on Plant Based Diet https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1502 <p>The incidence of diabetes has amplified worldwide, but health outcomes have not improved significantly. Anti-hyperglycemic medications are often accompanied by weight gain, hypoglycemia, and risk of cardiovascular events. Most diabetics are suggested a “low carb diet” as a nutritional strategy but the results short-termed and often unsustainable in most cases. <strong>Aim</strong><strong>:</strong> This case report depicts the effectiveness of a personalized nutritional intervention program focused on Whole Food Plant Based Diet (WFPBD) and Intermittent Fasting (IF) in reducing blood glucose, body weight, waist circumference, without any pharmacological treatment. <strong>Methods: </strong>We present a case of a personalized nutritional intervention program of a 47-year-old diabetic female, weighing 86kg, measuring 168cm (BMI 30.5), with waist circumference of 43 inches. Her pre-intervention glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was 12.5%, post prandial glucose (PPG) was 342mg/dl, and fasting blood glucose (FBG) was 250mg/dl. Besides following a WFPBD, the patient was advised to do intermittent fasts of 14 hours, starting from about 6 pm in the evening and extending till about 8 am the next morning. The primary measures were changes in HbA1c, fasting and postprandial glucose levels, body weight, waist circumference, and BMI. <strong>Results: </strong>Nutritional intervention brought substantial improvements in several health parameters of the patient. Post-intervention, the patient was able to achieve an HbA1c of 6.40%, average FBG of 113mg/dl, average PPG of 127mg/dl, body weight of 74kg, BMI of 26.2, and waist circumference of 37 inches. <strong>Conclusions: </strong>The results suggest that a personalized dietary modification program combining WFPBD and IF can significantly improve metabolic health and potentially reverse T2D without the need for pharmacological treatment.</p> Kamalpreet Singh Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1502 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Ayurvedic Management of Dry Eye https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1538 <p>Dry eye is a multifactorial illness of the tears and ocular surface, dry eye causes pain, disruptions to vision, instability in the tear film, and maybe even damage to the ocular surface. Tear secretion gives the corneal epithelium oxygen and continuously lubricates and moisturises the ocular surface. Dry eyes result from a disruption in regular tear production. Local, systematic and environmental factors play a major role in pathogenesis. Often exacerbated by smoke, wind, heat, low humidity or prolonged use of the eye. One of the most common disorders affecting the eyes is dry eye, affecting millions of people globally. The worldwide prevalence ranges from 5% to 50%, depending on the geographic region, Prevalence rate in India is higher than the global prevalence and ranges from 18.4% to 54.3%<em>. Shushkaksipaka is </em>one among <em>Sarvagata netra rogas</em> disease affecting all parts of the eye can be symptomatically correlated with dry eye. <em>Vata</em> and <em>Pitta</em> vitiation as per Ayurvedic view point are the major contributing pathological factor in its manifestation. This is a single case study of S<em>hushkakshipaka</em> treated with <em>Deepana, Pachana, Kosta Shodhana</em>, followed by 2 sittings of <em>Ksheera Saindhava Prakshalana </em>and <em>Suntyadi Anjana </em>and <em>Anu taila Pratimarsha Nasya</em>. At the end of the study improvement in foreign body sensation and itching. Patient got very significant result is being discussed here.</p> Chichili Dhanushya, Ch.Ramadevi, K.Anasuya Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1538 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A Clinical Study of Knee Joint Ligament Injury with Ayurvedic Treatment https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1540 <p>Knee is one of the largest and most complex joint of body. The complexity is because where there will be fusion of Lateral femorotibial, Medial femorotibial and Femoropatellar joints. Here a case report of 24 years female while playing had a sudden trauma to right knee with severe pain and swelling. Patient was unable to flex the knee joint. On MRI she was diagnosed with thinning and altered signal intensity of anterior cruciate ligament with partial tear and thickening of the medial meniscus with horizontal tear in posterior horn. By this patient was unable to do day to day activities. Here 2 months of Ayurvedic treatment was followed by patient who provided relief from pain and brought a significant improvement in the movement of knee joint.</p> P Krishna Prasad Bhat, K Ravindra Bhat, Waheeda Banu Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1540 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Ayurvedic Management of Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1509 <p>Traumatic tympanic membrane perforations are common in Otolaryngological practice. These perforations can be due to direct penetrating trauma, infections or due to eustachian tube disorders. These perforations can lead to reversible high frequency deafness, tinnitus and vertigo. Small perforations heal spontaneously within three months after the injury while large perforations are treated with myringoplasty. This is a case report of 35year old female patient who presented to Shalakya OPD with complaints of sudden onset of earache and reduced clarity of hearing in left ear, since 7 days. The tympanic membrane was ruptured. While compairing the size of perforation relative to circumference of the tympamic membrane, it was observed to be a large sized perforation affecting 50% of tympamic membrane. Large sized perforations are usually considered non healing as it exert influence on the malleus and umbo at tympanic membrane insertion and would interrupt the sound conducting mechanism. She was managed conservatively with Ayurveda treatment. <em>Karnalepa </em>applied over the pre auricular and mastoid region makes the healing fast and effective. <em>Karnapichu</em>, the modified form of <em>karnapoorana </em>provides a much larger skin contact time with controlled release of drugs.The case report shows the effect of local and systemic medication in the form of <em>Murivenna karnapichu</em>. The healing of tympanic membrane occurred within one month of follow up.</p> Tosmy Tomy Koovackal, Mira Krishnan.M, Yadukrishnan.S Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1509 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A Case Study on Ek-Kustha (Psoriasis) Ayurvedic Management https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1459 <p>In present era, skin diseases have become a major hazard for mental health more than physical, as it disturbs the cosmetic harmony. Psoriasis is marked by periodic flare-ups of sharply defined red patches, covered by a silvery, flaky surface. The Ayurvedic finding is considered as <em>Ek Kustha</em> which is a <em>Vata- Kapha</em> transcendent <em>Kshudra Kushtha</em>. Here, an effort was made to treat a female patient suffering from pustular psoriasis through Ayurved as the eminent choice. Since the treatment of wide range of <em>Kustha</em> is <em>Sanshodhana</em> alongside <em>Sanshamana</em> drugs but in this case, at first, <em>Lepa karma</em> and <em>Shamana Aushadhi</em> was performed. After <em>Lepa Karma, Sanshamana</em> drugs were given for 30 days. This case report showed that consolidated Ayurvedic modalities brought about extraordinary improvement in the condition of patient.</p> Ketan Mahajan, Ansuya Sharma, Sneha joshi Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1459 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 New Technique of Glenohumeral Joint Dissection https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1518 <p><strong>Objectives: </strong>Glenohumeral is a ball and socket type of synovial joint which permits a wide range of movement. During the typical shoulder joint dissection, we are unable to see the intracapsular view of shoulder joint. <strong>Methods</strong>: A dissection technique that was performed in Sharir Rachana Dept. of NIA, Jaipur, which exposes the glenohumeral joint's internal capsule, the glenoid labrum, the proximal insertion of the long head of the biceps tendon, and the surfaces of the joint while protecting the posterior aspect of the capsule and the surrounding muscles and tendons that support the joint. <strong>Results</strong>: This new dissection method allowed the preservation of glenohumeral joint structures and provides a better understanding of its intracapsular view and related structures. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The glenohumeral joint can be dissected using this new technique, by which we can prevent the damage to the structures that surround it and enabling visualization of its intracapsular view.</p> Dharmendra Chaudhary, Bhawana Khatri, Sunita Nagar, Sunil Kumar Yadav, Thrijil Krishnan Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1518 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Effect of Wet Cupping with Rasayana Chikitsa in Management of Alopecia Areata (Indralupt) https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1514 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Alopecia areata, or <em>Indralupt</em> in <em>Ayurveda</em>, is a dermatological condition characterized by localized, non-scarring hair loss. It presents as circular or oval patches of baldness, primarily affecting the scalp. While its exact cause remains unclear, autoimmune factors are thought to play a significant role. Management typically involves a combination of topical and systemic treatments, including corticosteroids and immunomodulators which is not fully preventive or curative. Thus, <em>Vata</em>, <em>Pitta</em>, and <em>Kapha Dosha </em>i.e.,<em> Tridosha</em> and <em>Rakta Dushya</em> are the causative factors of <em>Indralupta</em>. <strong>Materials and Method:</strong> Cup, Cupping pump, cotton ball or Swab, antiseptic solution, sterile lancets or scalpel, gloves. The patient was scheduled for wet cupping therapy, with a seven-day interval between each of the three sessions. Significant hair growth was observed after just one session. <em>Raktamokshan</em>, particularly <em>Prachchanna</em> (blood-letting, primarily scraping) is beneficial for removing vitiated <em>Rakta</em> if it is located in a specific area of the body, such as hair follicles. <strong>Result :</strong> After undergoing Wet Cupping and internal <em>Rasayan</em> drug for duration of one month, two patches of hair loss affected by alopecia areata were completely removed. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> This case report investigates the effectiveness of <em>Raktmokshan</em>, a traditional Ayurvedic therapy involving wet cupping, and <em>Rasayan chikitsa</em> in the management of alopecia areata (<em>Indralupt</em>). The case presents a patient with alopecia areata who underwent <em>Raktmokshan</em> therapy and observed outcomes over a defined period.</p> Pooja Kalal, Gyan P. Sharma, Achla R. Kumavat, Sandeep K. Swami Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1514 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 An Observational Invasive of Explore Effect of Ayurveda Drugs in the Management of Indigestion wsr to Amajeerna and Udavarta https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1541 <p>Due to secondary lifestyle and diet junk food may be the leading etiology for Ghrelin hypofunction. It leads to indigestion. Pioneer Ayurveda classics like Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Madhav Nidan, Astanga Hridaya etc explained aforesaid disease condition as <em>Agnimandya</em>,<em> Amajeerna </em>and<em> Udavarta </em>is the result of suppression of some natural urges like the desire to micturition, defecation, vomiting, hunger etc. Common symptom of <em>Amajeerna </em>are felling of heaviness in abdomen, nausea, belching similar just after meals. Based on classical and contemporary science a single case study was taken out in the West Bengal with an Ayurveda Interventions to rule out the clinical significant of it. In this study biochemical as well as radiological parameter were consider before and after treatment. However in this study we were found Ayurvedic treatment protocol shown a significant clinical improvement on <em>Amajeerna</em> and <em>Udavarta</em> along with patient weight reduction and management of alcoholic fatty liver may be due to drugs combined role on hepatoprotective, Ghrelin polypeptide and action on other digestive enzymes.</p> Meghna Mandal, Sandip Halder, Mainak Banerjee Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1541 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Management of Chronic Fissure in Ano: A Case Study on Conservative vs. Surgical Treatment Approaches https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1527 <p>The conservative treatment arm includes dietary modifications, stool softeners, topical analgesics, and sitz baths. This approach focuses on symptom relief, promoting healing, and preventing recurrence. In contrast, the surgical intervention arm involves procedures like lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) or advancement flap repair. These techniques aim to address the underlying sphincter hypertonicity or poor blood supply to the fissure site.</p> <p>The case study will present two patient profiles: one managed conservatively and the other surgically. Parameters such as pain scores, healing rates, time to symptom resolution, and recurrence rates will be compared between the two groups. Additionally, quality of life metrics and patient satisfaction will be assessed.</p> <p>Insights from this case study can aid clinicians in selecting the most appropriate treatment modality for chronic anal fissures, considering factors such as severity, patient preference, and potential risks. Ultimately, the study seeks to contribute valuable evidence to the ongoing debate surrounding the optimal management strategy for this prevalent colorectal condition. Furthermore, the impact on the patient's quality of life and satisfaction with the chosen treatment approach is examined. Through a multidisciplinary approach involving gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, and the patient, this case study highlights the importance of individualized care and shared decision-making in managing chronic fissure in ano.</p> Govind Meghvansi, Ram Karan Saini, Vishnu Dutt Sharma, Rajesh Kumar Gupta Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1527 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Drinking Orange Juice or Eating Orange Fruit: Which is Better for Glycemic Control? https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1543 <p>The consumption of 100% fruit juice has been a subject of controversy due to abundance of free sugars leading to inconsistent dietary guidelines. This study aimed to verify the hypothesis if eating whole fruit scores better than drinking fruit juices in terms of glycemic control. 15 type-2 diabetic patients volunteered from author’s online Diabetes Reversal Program to participate in the observational study. The relative effect of consumption of 300-ml orange FJ and 300-gram whole orange fruit on glycemic control was compared to verify the hypothesis. The findings of the study suggested that the consumption of oranges (whether juiced or eaten whole) is safe and well tolerable for diabetics and does not substantially raise the blood glucose levels in the average diabetic, however, individualized dietary modification would be the optimal practice to achieve desired health outcomes.</p> Kamalpreet Singh Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1543 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A Case Report on the Management of Asthikshaya (Nutritional Rickets) by Ayurveda and Yoga https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1539 <p>Rickets is a disorder of growing bone due to abnormal mineralisation of bone. It affects longer bones, leading to poor bone growth and bony deformities such as bow legs and knock-knees in children. No direct description of such disease has been found in Ayurveda<em>; </em>the clinical manifestations due to <em>Asthikshaya </em>(deficient bony tissue) can be considered as rickets. Despite conventional treatment of supplementation of deficient nutrients, many children do not show satisfactory response to the treatment. This is a case report of nutritional rickets in a 3.5-year-old boy who presented with leg pain, cramps and frequent falls due to knocking of knees for the last four months. He was treated with the combined principles of Ayurveda and Yoga. The patient was treated with oral drugs like <em>Ashwagandhadi Churna</em>, <em>Kukkutandatwaka Bhasma</em>, <em>Godanti Bhasma</em>, <em>Muktashukti</em> <em>Bhasma, Lakshadi guggulu, Gandha Tail, Tiktaksheer Basti </em>(medicated enema)<em>, Sthanika Snehan-Swedana </em>(local oleation and sudation)<em>, Gatravestana </em>(bandaging)<em>, </em>knee braces, and practice of <em>Yogasana </em>like <em>Tadasana</em> (standing pose), <em>Vrikshasana</em> (tree pose), <em>Utkatasana</em> (chair pose), and <em>Bhadrasana </em>(butterfly pose). The symptoms were relieved, the biochemical parameters were improved and no further bending of lower limbs was observed. Thus, the patient of nutritional rickets was treated with Ayurveda and <em>Y</em>o<em>ga</em>.</p> Jaguri Sonam, Kumar Amit, Dash Devasmita, Gupta Shilpy, Kumar Vijendra Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1539 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 An Ayurveda Case Study on GTCS w.s.r to Apasmara Roga https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1472 <p>The word ‘Epilepsy’ is derived from Greek meaning- ‘to seize upon’. The disease <em>Apasmara</em> is diagnosed based upon shrewd observation of the symptoms, with the main presenting feature of this disease as “<em>Apaya</em> (loss) of <em>Smriti</em> (memory)” i.e., ‘loss of memory/ consciousness’. <em>Apasmara</em> occurs due to an aberration of not only the physical bio-entities V<em>ata, Pitta </em>and<em> Kapha dosha</em> but also of the psychological (<em>Manasika</em>) attributes like <em>Sattva</em> (harmonious), <em>Rajah</em> (passion/activity), and <em>Tamah</em> (inertia/ignorance). It is presented with transient appearance of unconsciousness (<em>Tamah Pravesha)</em> with abhorrent activities like froth from mouth, abnormal postures of the body (<em>Vibhatsa Cheshta</em>, referring to the involuntary movements during the seizures) and psychological symptoms like perversion of memory and cognition (<em>Smriti-buddhi Samplava</em>). Here the case was pre diagnosed with GTCS (generalised toni-clonic seizures) having symptoms such as decreased memory, epileptic attack 3 months ago which impersonates with <em>Vataja Apasmara</em>. So, in this case study an effort is made to correct the cause and the epileptic attacks with other associated symptoms by giving oral medications having predominantly <em>Vata Shamak</em> properties as well as <em>Shodhana Chikitsa (Nasya)</em>.</p> Ankita Aggarwal, Sokiya Gracy, Sharma Gaurav, Dalel Rajan Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1472 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A Conceptual Study of Aahar and Vihar in Post Covid-19 Complication https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1504 <p>Ayurveda, a traditional healthcare system, emphasizes the importance of food and lifestyle in maintaining health and preventing diseases. Classics emphasize "<em>Tryaupstambh" </em>(<em>Aahar, Nidra, Brahmacharya</em>) as crucial factors for daily life, while the <em>Charaka Samhita </em>mentions "<em>Sadvritta</em>" as a code of good conduct for mental and social wellbeing and "<em>Swasthavritta</em>" for maintaining health and personal hygiene. Post- COVID-19 complications include cardiac, pulmonary, systemic, neuropsychiatric, tinnitus, acute kidney damage, renal failure, and thrombotic problems. <em>Aahar </em>or lifestyle is the ultimate medicine for health and prosperity. To promote mental health and prevent illness, living conditions and environments supporting healthy lifestyles are necessary. Regular <em>Yoga </em>and diet can help improve health and reduce the risk of complications. Ayurveda recommends immune-modulator regimes such as a healthy lifestyle, seasonal purification, and daily dietary and behavioural regimens. In this article, an attempt has been made to analyse the various measures and concepts of <em>Aahar </em>and <em>Vihar </em>described in a dispersed manner in different <em>Samhitas </em>will be helpful to manage the post Covid-19 complications and also for speedy recovery without any further complication of disease.</p> Priyanka Kumari, Rohit Ranjan Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1504 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Effects of Inadvertent Oral Ingestion of Jatyadi Oil https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1505 <p>Ayurveda offers various formulations for different ailments, including <em>Jatyadi oil</em>, a topical medicine commonly used for wounds and ulcers. While it’s local application is well-documented for conditions like sinuses, papules, dermatitis, wounds, ulcers, burns, and abrasions, its oral ingestion is not standard practice due to potential adverse effects.<strong> Objective: </strong>This report aims to highlight the consequences of inadvertent oral ingestion of <em>Jatyadi oil</em> by a patient.<strong> Methods: </strong>The case report is based on a real-life incident involving a patient who mistakenly ingested <em>Jatyadi oil</em>. The effects were studied by discussing the matter with the patient and reviewing relevant literature.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>While medications are meant to heal, incorrect usage can lead to harm. Although accidental oral intake of <em>Jatyadi oil</em> may not be overly concerning, it is crucial to avoid such occurrences. Patients should be properly instructed regarding the correct dose, route, and method of medication intake to prevent such incidents.</p> Mahesh Kumar Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1505 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Ritu Shodhana - Way to Stay Healthy with special reference to Virechana https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1506 <p>Ayurveda is a unique and ancient science of life which considers the <em>Tridoshas vata, Pitta</em> and <em>Kapha</em> as <em>Tristhunas </em>(pillars) of human body. The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain health of a healthy person and treating ailments of the diseased. Timely elimination of increased <em>Doshas</em> by purificatory measures during specified season is known as <em>Ritu shodhana. Sharadiya Virechana</em> i.e., purification therapy in autumn season is best for elimination of <em>Prakupita </em>(aggravated) <em>Pitta dosha</em>. The present review aims to summarize the benefits of <em>Ritu shodhana</em> with special reference to <em>Virechana</em> on health of a person. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> Literature search was carried out through search engines like PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar using keywords like <em>‘Ritu shodhana’, ‘Virechana’,</em> ‘seasonal regimens’, ‘seasonal variations in India’,’ lifestyle disorders’. Classicals such as <em>Bruhattrayis, Laghuttrayis</em> were also reviewed. The relevant studies were identified and the findings summarized. Result and discussion- <em>Ritu shodhana</em> plays a key role in prevention of diseases. Among <em>Panchakarmas virechana </em>(purgation therapy) is one of the prime purificatory procedures for elimination of <em>Pitta dosha</em>. As the expulsion of <em>Dosha</em> occurs in normal route it is not complicated. Hence it has great promise and requires research in this area.</p> Manjusri, M. Gautham Shetty Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1506 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 An Integrated Approach Through Panchakarma in the Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia W.S.R Anantavata https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1533 <p><em>Anantavata </em>is a <em>Tridosha Pradhana vyadhi </em>afflicting the <em>Manya, Hanu, Shiras, Lalatadi Pradesha </em>characterised by <em>Teevra Ruja, Kampa </em>in the affected parts,<em> Hanu graha, Akshiroga</em><em>. </em>It can be correlated with trigeminal neuralgia, which is one of the most painful conditions known to the mankind and is most commonly caused due to compression of the root of trigeminal nerve. The pain is so severe that it affects the day-to-day activities of the patients eventually hampering the quality of life. In extreme conditions, it also leads to insomnia, psychological derangements and depression and makes the patient dependent on anti-depressants and analgesics for their lifetime. Hence an intervention, that focuses on the root cause, alleviates the pain, strengthens the affected part and prevents reoccurrence is quintessential. In the view of achieving the same, the following case study was taken up where a female patient aged 57 years, complained of numbness over whole face, shocking sensation over Rt. half of the face, hyperaesthesia and pain in neck radiating to B/L upper limbs since 4 years and was treated with<em> Abhyanga</em>, <em>Parsisheka, Nasya, Shirodhara, Gandusha </em>leading to a significant improvement in the signs and symptoms.</p> Anjani S Pai, Shaila Borannavar, Ananta S Desai Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1533 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Anti-Diabetic Herbo-Mineral Drugs From Priya Nighantu https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1535 <p>Ayurveda is the science of life mainly targets for<em> Swasthasya Swathya Rakshanam </em>and<em> Aturasya Vikara Prashamanamcha</em> i.e., maintaining the healthy state of the healthy person and treating the diseased person. <em>Prameha</em> is not a new challenge for Ayurveda, rather it’s a challenge for new generation following principles. Diabetes mellitus, a metabolic disease, is found to have much similarity with <em>Prameha</em>. Diabetes mellitus is a major health problem for the world in the 21<sup>st</sup> century. About 537 million adult were living with diabetes in 2021 according to IDF Diabetes Atlas and this number expected to raise upto 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. To get rid of this burning problem of society, we compiled some single effective and safe herbo-mineral remedy to control diabetes. Plants are the exclusive source of the drugs for the treatment of various ailments. Now days millions of people are dependent upon herbal medicines. <em>Acharya</em> <em>Priyavrat sharma</em> in his <em>Priya nighantu</em> describes various herbo-mineral drugs act upon <em>Prameha </em>(diabetes). Many treatment modalities mentioned in different Ayurvedic lexicon for <em>Prameha</em>. The present review study focus to screen drugs acting on <em>Prameha</em> (diabetes). 41 <em>Dravya</em> out of total 643 <em>Dravya</em> are described with <em>Pramehahara</em> property throughout the lexicon which includes herbal, mineral and food origin.</p> Aayushi Jain, Shiromani Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1535 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Ayurvedic Perspective of Abnormal Vaginal Discharge https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1516 <p>In the context of wide prevalence and growing incidence of abnormal vaginal discharge throughout the globe and due to the lack of effective and safe therapy in modern science, there is an increasing focus on alternative systems of medicine. Ayurveda is an age-old life science that offers great potential in treating the symptom. The present study was taken up to review the theoretical foundations and empirical evidence of Ayurvedic drugs for this.</p> <p>Apart from consulting the texts in Ayurveda and modern systems, the study got access to internet sources like AYUSH Portal and PubMed, Google Scholar etc. Out of 90 papers identified, forty research papers were selected for review on various aspects of AVD, such as observational studies, clinical studies, review studies. They are reviewed for theoretical background, research techniques adopted, the drugs and methods employed for treatment and the parameters chosen for evaluation of the effects of these drugs.</p> <p>The results show that Ayurveda has both theoretical foundations and empirical evidence of efficacy of Ayurvedic drugs and shows the promise of evolving a polyherbal formulation to address the symptom holistically.</p> Neelima A, Mahesh Dixit, K. Bharathi Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1516 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1517 <p>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a common, preventable and treatable lung disease. It is characterized by chronic respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation due to abnormalities of the airways caused by continuous exposure to noxious particles or gases. COPD occupies the third position for the cause of death worldwide. The major risk factor for the development of COPD is tobacco smoking. The inhalation of toxic particles, biomass exposure and outdoor air pollution along with other host factors including abnormal lung development and accelerated lung aging can also contribute. Spirometry characterized by non-fully reversible airflow limitation i.e., FEV1/FVC &lt; 0.7 post bronchodilation, confirms the diagnosis of COPD. The major goals of management are to reduce risk factors, manage stable COPD, prevent and treat acute exacerbations, and manage associated illnesses. The conservative management comprising of antibiotics, inhaled corticosteroids, mucolytics etc. offer promising results in this condition. But tachycardia, glossitis, glaucoma, nausea are some of the common adverse reactions noticed on chronic use of these group of drugs. The contemporary health scenario demands more contribution in this regard from the indigenous system of medicine. In Āyurvedic view, COPD can be considered under the spectrum of <em>Prāṇavaha srotodushti vikaras.</em> The clinical features and etiology mentioned for diseases mentioned in Ayurveda such as <em>Kāsa</em>, <em>Tamaka śvāsa, Rajayakshma </em>etc has similarity with that of COPD. Though COPD cannot be correlated to any single condition of <em>Prāṇavaha sroto duṣti</em>, <em>Tamaka śvāsa</em> can be considered as includes most of the clinical features including cough. When the etiological factors favour, the vitiated and aggravated <em>Kapha dosha</em> blocks the channels of <em>Prāna </em>and <em>Udāna vāta</em> causing the onset and symptoms of the disease.</p> Aswathy M, Jithesh M Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1517 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Exploring the Significance of Katikataruna Marma: An Ayurvedic Perspective on Vital Energy Center https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1519 <p>This review article delves into the intricate concept of <em>Marma</em> points within the framework of Ayurvedic philosophy, with a specific focus on the <em>Katikataruna</em> <em>Marma</em> located in the <em>Prushta</em> region. <em>Marma</em> points, regarded as vital energy centers, house <em>Prana,</em> and hold profound implications for health. The <em>Katikataruna</em> <em>Marma</em>, characterized as a <em>Kalantarapranahara</em> <em>Marma</em>, embodies a delicate balance of <em>Soumya</em> and <em>Agneya</em> qualities, with their interplay dictating the trajectory of life. The precise location of <em>Katikataruna</em> <em>Marma</em> is explored across references, positioned either beside the vertebral column or above the <em>Sphik</em> on the <em>Shronikarna</em>. Anatomically, this <em>Marma</em> amalgamates diverse components: muscular elements such as the gluteal and pelvic muscles, vascular intricacies involving the internal iliac artery, neural and connective structures like sacro-iliac ligaments and lumbo-sacral nerves, skeletal components comprising the iliac bone and sacrum, and the pivotal sacro-iliac joint. Critical insights emerge regarding the aftermath of injuring the <em>Katikataruna</em> <em>Marma</em>. A disruption in the equilibrium of <em>Soumya</em> and <em>Agneya</em> <em>Guna</em> triggers a gradual decline, with blood loss (<em>Shonita kshaya</em>) inducing symptoms like anemia, pallor, malaise, and ultimately, mortality. Prognosis unfolds, emphasizing the manifestation of <em>Pandu</em>, <em>Vaivarna</em>, and <em>Hina</em> <em>Rupa</em>, elucidating the complex interplay between components in the <em>Marma</em> region. By dissecting the intricacies of the <em>Katikataruna</em> <em>Marma</em>, this article contributes to a deeper comprehension of Ayurvedic principles and their holistic approach to wellness. The exploration of <em>Marma</em> points transcends anatomical facets, resonating with Ayurveda's holistic philosophy of harmonizing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.</p> Anagha R. Phatak, Shobha G, Uma B Gopal Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1519 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Therapeutic Potential of Minerals Preparations wsr to Raktapitta (Bleeding Disorders) https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1520 <p><em>Raktapitta</em> is described in the fourth<em> Adhyaya </em>of the<em> Agniveshtantra</em>. The disease has been described after <em>Jwara chikitsa</em>. <em>Acharya Charaka</em> has described <em>Raktapitta </em>as <em>Mahagada </em>and an acute dreadful disease, having more severity and quick acting like fire. As the name suggests- <em>Raktapitta </em>is caused by the vitiation of two body elements i.e., <em>Rakta</em> and <em>Pitta</em>. The main etiology of the disease is said to be the <em>Pitta vardhak ahara</em>, which leads to the vitiation of the <em>Pitta dosha</em>. Since, <em>Rakta dhatu</em> is said to be <em>Samandharma </em>as that of <em>Pitta dosh</em>, vitiation of <em>Pitta</em> leads to the aggravation of <em>Rakta dhatu</em>. This <em>Dhatu</em>, a concept from Ayurveda, is often increased due to its <em>Swapramana</em>. This increase can cause it to move through the external apertures of the body, leading to potentially lethal diseases that require immediate attention. The treatment protocol for such conditions is not a one-size-fits-all. It is primarily based on the affected site, along with other general considerations like <em>Dosha</em> and <em>Bala</em>. This personalized approach is what makes Ayurveda stand out in the realm of holistic health. Treatment often includes nourishment therapy (<em>Brimhana</em>) or attenuation therapy <em>(Langhana)</em>. <em>Brimhana</em> therapy focuses on strengthening the body, while <em>Langhana</em> therapy aims to reduce excesses. <em>Langhana</em> therapy can further be divided into purification therapy <em>(Sodhana)</em> and curative therapy <em>(Samana),</em> each with its unique benefits. The article deals with understanding the etiology, symptoms and treatment of the disease and the role of minerals in its management.</p> Parinita Kaundal Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1520 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Significance of Pathya - Apathya in Present Era https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1542 <p>Ayurveda is not only a medical science it is a holistic science of life. The aim of Ayurveda is promoting and preserving the health of individual and to cure from diseases. <em>Pathyas</em> are food substance and lifestyle of Ayurveda management line. Those drugs and regimes which are not harmful to channels and please the mind are considered as <em>Pathya</em>, and <em>Sadapathya</em> <em>dravyas</em> are such food which are good for most of the healthy individuals. Wholesome diet or <em>Pathya</em> plays equal role in management of any disease, it is essential to follow dietetic rules and regimes in order to curing diseases so that keep their <em>Dhatu</em> in a healthy state and will not let them get vitiated more from <em>Doshas</em>. The food which is prescribed according to disease by physician plays important role in successful treatment and it’s also prescribed as prophylactic and interventional diet. The concepts of <em>Pathya</em> and <em>Apathya ahara vihara</em> (diet and lifestyle) are still relevant and significant in the modern period as they offer a holistic approach to health, disease prevention, immunity boosting, and personalized care based on Ayurvedic principles.</p> Monika Prajapat, Rahish Sewda, Kishori Lal Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1542 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Ayurvedic Intervention and Diet Modifications https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1522 <p>Autism spectrum disorder includes a group of neurodevelopmental disorders, which disrupts normal functioning of the brain and impairs communication, social interaction, emotional balance with the presence of repetitive stereotypic mannerisms. Underlying etiology of autism spectrum disorder is still unknown. Studies on genetic causes, immune system dysregulation, inflammation, exposure to environmental toxicants, defective gut microbiome are still continuing. In ayurveda, most psycho social abnormalities are included in the category of <em>Unmada.</em> Along with other etiological factors, impaired digestive and metabolic functions are postulated as the root cause of <em>Unmada.</em> And in accord with the gut brain axis, systemic accumulation of metabolic wastes also disrupts the functional integrity of the brain. The present study describes the case of a child with ASD with hyperactivity, who has been clinically diagnosed and treated with Ayurvedic medications<em>, Sneha sweda </em>therapies and diet modifications, which helps in maintaining the healthy functioning of the brain. Within 3 months of intervention, the child became symptomatically better. Case study briefs Ayurvedic concepts and Ayurvedic treatment protocols regarding ASD.</p> Arun B, Nivya K R Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1522 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Unraveling the Pharmacological Marvels of “Aqarqarha”- Exploring its Phytochemistry and Therapeutic Prospects https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1530 <p><em>Anacyclus pyrethrum</em>, commonly known as “<em>Aqarqarha”</em> in Unani medicine has been a prominent herb in traditional medicine systems for centuries due to its diverse therapeutic properties. In recent years, there has been growing interest in exploring its medicinal uses and pharmacological effects. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of <em>Aqarqarha</em>, encompassing its traditional uses, phytochemical composition, pharmacological activities, and potential therapeutic applications. <em>Aqarqarha</em> exhibits a wide array of pharmacological activities, including neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aphrodisiac, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects, making it a promising candidate for the management of various health conditions. Moreover, its phytochemical profile comprises various bioactive compounds such as alkamides, sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids, and polyacetylenes, which contribute to its medicinal properties. This review aims to consolidate the existing knowledge on <em>Aqarqarha</em>, providing a basis for further research and development in both traditional and modern medicine. Furthermore, it highlights gaps in current knowledge and identifies areas for future research, such as clinical trials, mechanistic studies, formulation development, and regulatory considerations. By synthesizing existing information and proposing future directions, this review seeks to facilitate a deeper understanding of <em>Aqarqarha's </em>therapeutic potential and promote its integration into evidence-based healthcare practices.</p> Asema Mahveen, Shaik Mohammed Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1530 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 Multimodality Ayurveda Management of Beejashaya Granthi - A Lifestyle Disorder w.s.r to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1544 <p>Polycystic ovarian syndrome is disorder that affects the whole life of a female, can begin in utero in genetically predisposed subjects, manifests clinically at puberty, and continues during the reproductive years. According to Ayurveda can be considered under <em>Agni vaishamyajanya vikara</em> and it can consider as <em>Beeja kosha granthi</em>. The basic concept of Ayurveda is <em>Hetu-linga</em> and <em>Aushadha </em>to make diagnosis and to cure this disorder. Excess <em>Kapha dusthikara nidana</em> overall causes <em>Agnimandhya</em>, then this causes <em>Amotpatti</em> (free radicals in body). <em>Aam</em> causes <em>Artavavaha srotas rodha</em>, these causes <em>Dhatvagnimandhya</em> and as a result <em>Apachit ras dhatu</em> and <em>Uttarotara dhatu apachana</em> leading to <em>Meda dhatu dushti</em> and <em>Alpartava</em>. <em>Triphala</em> and <em>Guggulu </em>act on <em>Meda dhatu, Medohara</em> in property. This proved to be act on adiponectin. 5-7% reduction in weight improves symptom of PCOS effectively.<em> Pathya</em> like <em>Masha, Tila, Matsya, Kulatha, Udvisha, Dadhi, Sura, </em>fruits helps in increasing the <em>Agneyatwa </em>of <em>aartava dhatu</em>. Organs involved in PCOS is ovary, adrenal gland, pancreas and pituitary gland, <em>Agni</em> of these organs are affected by modern stressful lifestyle. Ayurveda protocols of <em>Dincharya, Ritucharya, Swastwrit, Acharya rasayan, Tri upsthambh- Aahara, Nidra</em> and <em>Bhrahmcharya</em>, <em>Shodhasha sanskara, Rajaswala paricharya, Garbhini paricharya, Sutika paricharya</em> etc should be maintained for remaining disease free and to improve quality of life of a female, for making healthy female, healthy family and healthy nation.</p> Priyanka Hajare Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1544 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530 A Review of Mineralogical Identification of Ayurvedic Rasa Dravyasa in Modern Context https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1523 <p>The metals and mineral drugs in <em>Rasashastra</em> are primarily categorized into different groups such as<em> Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanarasa, Dhatu, Sudha, Sikta</em>, and <em>Ratna</em>. These categories describe their origins, acceptable properties, and the various processes involved in making drugs for therapeutic use as well as preparation of noble metals. In ancient times, the identification of raw drugs relied mainly based on sensory factors like color, smell, texture, and taste. However, this data alone is insufficient to establish universal standards for both raw drug identification and the scientific detection of adulteration in finished products. Today, a multitude of modern tools and techniques are available for identifying metals and minerals, such as nature, crystal habit, color, streak, cleavage, fracture, lustre, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), chromatography, tenacity, transparency, magnetism, hardness, specific gravity (density), and fluorescence, chemical assay and markers. Thus, my present study is plan to evaluate and compile different data in term of modern parameters and results as well as <em>Grahya lakschans</em> (acceptable characters) for identifying mineral drugs in <em>Rasa shastra</em>.</p> Kumar Pankaj, Dwivedi Prabhat Kumar Copyright (c) 2024 AYUSHDHARA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1523 Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 +0530