Author Guidelines

Aim and Scope

AYUSHDHARA is an international peer reviewed Bi-monthly open access journal publishing print and online versions (RNI Registration No: TELENG/2014/60297). AYUSHDHARA focused towards the publication of current research work carried out under Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, Allopathy systems of medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

AYUSHDHARA publishes the following manuscript types:

  1. Original Research Articles
  2. Review articles
  3. Book Reviews
  4. Short Communications/ Research Letter
  5. Case Studies
  6. Letter to the Editor/Correspondence

Manuscript preparation

The manuscript should be prepared in English using "MS Word" with 1 inch margin on all sides (Top, Bottom, Left and Right side) of the page. "Times New Roman" font should be used. The font size should be of 10pt but main Title should be of 16pt bold sentence case, main headings should be of 11pt bold sentence case, subheadings should be of 10pt bold sentence case. Manuscript should be concisely typewritten in 1.0 spaces in A4 sized sheets. The pages shall be numbers consequently. The length of Review/Science Education article should not exceed 12-15 manuscript pages to include figures, tables and references. No abbreviations on acronyms shall be used in the titles or Abstract acronyms except for measurements. There shall not be decorative borders anywhere in the text including the title page.

Sequence for Manuscripts Submission

  • Title Page
  • Authors and Co-Authors details and their affiliations
  • Abstract (150 to 200 words)
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement (optional)
  • References

Original Research Articles: Original Research papers should present new experimental studies in elaborate form that constitute a significant contribution to knowledge and should not exceed 6 pages. A research paper should be arranged into the following sequence.

TITLE: All manuscripts should start with a title page. The title should be as short as possible on the first page, which provides precise information about the contents, followed by names of author (s), affiliations (s) and institutional addresses.

AUTHOR NAMES: All author names must provide their full name (surnames first) and mentioned below the title. Designations of the authors with full contact details like address, phone number and email to be mentioned. The Corresponding author of the manuscript must be marked with an asterisk (*) and should be listed first. In addition, the corresponding author must indicate his or her complete mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address at the lower left of the title page.

ABSTRACT: Abstract should not be more than 200 words and be informative, completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, important observations and conclusion. Standard nomenclature should use; abbreviations and references should be avoided.

KEYWORDS: All the manuscripts should include keywords. Keywords reflecting the major features of the work should be inserted about four to six. These keywords will be used for the indexing purpose.

INTRODUCTION: Introduction should include background of the subject, earlier works carried out, signify the relationship with the proposed work and aims and objectives of this study.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: It should be complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced. All the procedures should be described in detail. For example, diagnostic methods, description of the eligibility of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, methods adopted for the study along with the references to the established method, dosage, route of administration should be mentioned in detail.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The observations of the study must illustrate with figures or tables wherever necessary. The research with appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be self explanatory.

CONCLUSION: The major findings of the work highlighting its importance, relevance and their usefulness of the study shall summarized. The conclusions of this study must discuss a short summary and further scope in the field should describe in this context.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: All acknowledgments be typed in one paragraph directly preceding the reference section and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.

REFERENCES: References should be in Vancouver style and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Cite the references in the text by the appropriate number with superscript e.g. [1], [2, 3], [4-6], [7, 8-10] and the numbers should be within square brackets. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. Avoid using abstracts as references and do not cite any references in conclusion section.

The commonly cited types of references are shown here:


Format: Authors. Article title. Journal title. Date of publication; Volume (Issue): Page no


  1. M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2): 1998, 112-116
  2. Parija S.C, Sambhasiva Rao R, Stool Culture as a Diagnostic Aid in the Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in the Faecal Specimens. Indian J. Pathol. Microbiol. October,1995; 38(4): 359-363.

Books and Other Monographs

Format: Author. Title. Edition. Place of Publication; Publisher; Date of Publication. Page no

Mukhopadhyaya GN. The Surgical Instruments of the Hindus. Vol. - 2. Calcutta; Calcutta University Press; 1913. p. 225-230.

From Websites

Hypertension, Dialysis & Clinical Nephrology [homepage on the Internet]. Hinsdale (IL): Medtext, Inc.; c1995-2001 [cited 2001 Mar 8]. Available from: http://www.medtext. com/hdcn.htm


Tables should be typed in MS word table format (with rows and columns visible) and be numbered consecutively in numerals and bear a brief title in capital letters normal face and must insert in within the text. Abbreviations should be defined as footnotes in italics at the bottom of each table.


Figures must be on separate pages in JPEG format but not inserted within the text and bear a brief title in lower case bold face letters below the figure. Photographs, drawings, diagrams and charts are to be numbered in one consecutive series of the numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text and abbreviated as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc., Photos or drawings must have a good contrast of dark and light. Legends of figures should be brief, but complete and self- explanatory so that the reader can easily understand the results presented in the figure.

Review Articles

Reviews are systemic critical assessments of literature and data sources in a particular field. Usually, reviews are invited from researchers with considerable experience in the field concerned. The purpose of these manuscripts is to discuss in detail the existing state of knowledge, critical analysis of different opinions, and up-to-date developments on the subject of current interest.

Book Reviews

Introduction, Author's recognition, Subject matter of book at a glance, Analysis of particular methodologies and techniques mentioned in the book, Chapter Discussion, Indices, Practical aspects, Demerits of the text, Conclusion.

Short Communication/ Research Letter

Original research work that does not fulfill the criteria for a full-length research paper can be published as a short communication or research letter.

For Short communication

Prepare the manuscript exactly as described under Research Paper category.

For Research letter

Prepare the manuscript exactly as described under Research Paper category without any subheadings.

Case Studies

Clinical cases with unusual presentation of a disease as well as unreported adverse drug reaction cases can be submitted under this category. The authors must be able to provide a statement that the patient described in the case report has given their informed consent for the case report to be published. The case reports should include unstructured abstract, key words, introduction, case report, brief discussion and conclusion with references.

Letter to the Editor/Correspondence

Comments on previously published articles in the AYUSHDHARA or are relevant brief reports of preliminary data that can be published if they provide new insights. Letters must have a title.


We at AYUSHDHARA are very conscious about preventing plagiarism. We give a fair chance to authors to correct and amend their work if significant similar content is observed. If the similarity of content is more than 10% we ask the authors to revise the manuscript.

We have a plagiarism redressal process where we welcome any violations to be reported to us. If a case of plagiarism comes to knowledge after a paper is published in the journal, we conduct a proper investigation as per the COPE guidelines.

Online Submission

Authors can submit their manuscript through Submit Paper online option and submit your manuscript by sending it through mail to the Chief-Editor email address:;

Each manuscript will be provided with a manuscript reference number (ID) and all correspondence is done through e-mail. Please always refer to the manuscript reference number for any further enquiries.

Manuscript Review Process

International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research (IJAPR) follows the Double blind peer review  policy. 

Manuscripts submitted to the journal are initially reviewed by the Chief Editor, who determines whether the manuscript meets the requirements of the journal and is worth sending out for thorough review.

After the Chief Editor the articles submitted will be evaluated by the Editorial team for its completeness. They are then assigned to the reviewers of the concerned subject. It is ensured to have a double blinded review. The article will be evaluated for the subject content, relevance to the subject, language and plagiarism. If any comments or suggestions are received from the reviewer, then the article is resend to the author for the modifications.

After the review, the necessary changes and comments on the manuscript will be sent to the author within 3 weeks from the time of submission. Even after the 1st review, if the requirements of the editor are not fulfilled, will go for 2nd review and so on.

The manuscript will be considered for publication after Confirmation of acceptance only if the author satisfies the comments and comply with the changes suggested. Confirmation about the acceptance of the manuscript will be sent to e-mail address of the corresponding author.

The article accepted for the publication, will be queued for the next issue of the publication.

The journal does not publish article continuously.


It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to the journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden, and by submitting the article for publication the all authors agree that the Chief Editor have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors, if plagiarism or fabricated information is discovered. Corresponding author required to sign on behalf of all co-authors in Copyright Agreement and Authorship Responsibility Form once the manuscript is accepted.

Copyright Transfer: The author(s) hereby represents that they are sole author(s) of the work, that all authors have participated in and agree with the content and conclusions of the work, that the work is original, and does not infringe upon any copyright, propriety, or personal right of any third party, and that no part of it nor any work based on substantially similar data has been submitted to another publication.

Gallery Proofs

Page proofs and correction format are sent to the corresponding author through email. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proofs are returned within 7 days of receipt. If require any corrections in article, if yes, and then use the correction format, which is attached. If there are no corrections then give us permission [by sending a reply mail as NO correction] to upload it on website.

Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses, phone numbers entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Open Access

AYUSHDHARA is open access journal, which all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.

Benefits of open access for authors, include:

  • Free access for all users worldwide
    ● Authors retain copyright to their work
    ● Increased visibility and readership
    ● Rapid publication

Publication Charges

This journal charges the following author fees.

There are no charges during the submission of articles. Only after acceptance of the manuscript, Authors are required to pay publication fee for web maintenance, processing and editing purpose. 

Authors are required to pay online publication charges Rs. 3000/- per article.

If author is interested to take a print copy of Journal then pay Rs. 3400/- per article. Author(s) will get one copy of the printed journal for one article.

Authors can also get additional copies of the printed journal by paying Rs. 600/- within India.

If content is near or more than 4000 words (Including Title, Author, Abstract, Acknowledgments and References) or number of authors are more than 4, Rs. 600 extra charges are applicable. 

For Foreign Authors:

Authors are required to pay online publication charges INR 4000/- per article.

If author is interested to take a print copy of Journal then pay INR 5000/- per article. Author(s) will get one copy of the printed journal for one article.

Authors can also get additional copies of the printed journal by paying INR 1000/-

If content is near or more than 4000 words (Including Title, Author, Abstract, Acknowledgments and References) or number of authors are more than 4, INR 1000 extra charges are applicable.

Waiver Policy

A generous waiver system that may ease the payment of the manuscript handling fee when their researchers choose to publish their manuscripts in any of our journal. Our primary goal as stated in our mission is to accelerate the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of high quality research articles.

NOTE: Authors are requested to send their articles strictly according to the given format mentioned in the guidelines to the authors.

  Author Guidlines