Ayurveda Management of Sarvangavata with special reference to Friedrich Ataxia


  • Jukur Rajesh PG Scholar, Department of PG Student in Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Banglore, Karnataka, India.
  • Ananta S Desai Professor & HOD, Department of PG and PhD Studies in Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Banglore, Karnataka, India.




Sarvangavata, Friedrich Ataxia, Virechana, Mustadi Yapana Basti, Shamana Chikitsa


The collective meaning of Vatavyadhi indicates the specific disorder occurring due to Vata Dosha. Wherever, Vata Dosha get vitiated it first enters in all Srotas of the body and then creates different types of Vata Vyadhi describe in Classical Ayurvedic text. Sarvangavata is one of the most common disorders among Vata Nanatmaja Vikara. The global prevalence of Friedrich’s Ataxia incidence seen in 1 among 50,000. Objective: The aim of this study was to access the efficacy of Panchakarma modalities in Friedrich Ataxia condition. Material and Method: A 20 year old male patient who is K/C/O- Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1) since 1 year (insulin dependent) stopped since 2 months and N/K/C of Hypertension and IHD came to hospital with complain of reduced strength in bilateral upper and lower limb since 3years and associated with difficulty in walking and slurred speech since 2 years which was diagnosed with Sarvangavata and was treated with Sarvanga Abhyanga with Mahanarayana Taila followed by Dashamoola Qwatha Seka for 5 days, Virechanakarma for 13 days, Sarvanga Abhyanga with Mahanarayana Taila followed by Nadi Sweda for 7 days, Mustadhi Yapana Basti for 10 days, physiotherapy and Shamana Yoga’s. Result: After completion of one and half month of total treatment, the patient as found markly improvement gait, muscle tone and gain in strength in bilateral upper and lower limb. Conclusion: Sarvangavata can occur due to Beejopgataja, Dhatuksaya and Abhigataja where Vataja Lakshana were predominantly seen in this type of case and can be manage with different types of Sweda like Dashamoola Kayaseka, Virechana, Mustadi Yapana Basti, physiotherapy. Different Panchakarma modalities helped the patient markly improvement for doing his routine activities.


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How to Cite

Jukur Rajesh, Ananta S Desai. Ayurveda Management of Sarvangavata with special reference to Friedrich Ataxia. Ayushdhara [Internet]. 2024Jul.10 [cited 2025Apr.1];11(3):173-9. Available from: https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/1581




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