An Integration of Rajas Guna and Vata Dosha in the Pathology of Vataja Unmada


  • Punith P Assistant Professor, Department of PG & PhD Studies in Kayachikitsa and Manasaroga, SDM College of Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre Udupi, Karnataka, India.
  • Aswini Ramachandran Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, KAHER's Shri BM. Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Post Graduate studies and Research Centre, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
  • Soumya R Korawar PG scholar, Department of PG & PhD Studies in Kayachikitsa and Manasaroga, SDM College of Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre Udupi, Karnataka, India.



Rajo Guna, Vata Dosha, Vataja Unmada, Tamas Guna, Tamasika Guna, Rajasika Guna, Satvika Guna.


In Ayurveda, the intricate relationship between Rajo Guna and Vata Dosha is fundamental to understanding the dynamics of mental health, particularly in conditions like Vataja Unmada. Rajo Guna, characterized by its stimulating and mobile nature, closely mirrors the properties of Vata, which is composed of Akasha and Vayu Mahabhutas. This synergy between Rajas and Vata manifests in both physical and psychological processes, driving actions, emotions, and thoughts. This paper delves into the role of Rajo Guna in influencing Vata Dosha, with a special focus on its impact on Vataja Unmada, a psychotic disorder in Ayurveda. By exploring the philosophical foundations of Trigunas and their connection with Panchamahabhutas, the study illuminates how Rajo Guna exacerbates the symptoms of Vataja Unmada, leading to erratic thoughts, unstable motor activities, and disturbed consciousness. Understanding this interplay not only enhances our comprehension of the etiopathogenesis of Vataja Unmada but also opens avenues for integrated therapeutic approaches. Recognizing the elemental and psychological foundations of mental disorders, this study advocates for a collaborative effort between Ayurvedic and contemporary psychiatric practices to develop holistic treatment strategies that address both the root causes and symptoms of disorders like Vataja Unmada.


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How to Cite

Punith P, Aswini Ramachandran, SRK. An Integration of Rajas Guna and Vata Dosha in the Pathology of Vataja Unmada. Ayushdhara [Internet]. 2024Sep.20 [cited 2024Oct.16];11(4):130-7. Available from: