
  • Raviteja Mane* Assistant Professor, Dept of Rog Nidan Avum Vikruti Vigyana, Rural Institute of Ayurved, Research centre & Hospital, Mayani, Khatav, Satara, Maharashtra
  • Shital S. Mane Assistant Professor, Dept of Rog Nidan Avum Vikruti Vigyana, Rural Institute of Ayurved, Research centre & Hospital, Mayani, Khatav, Satara, Maharashtra
  • Mandave Kundalik Associate Professor, Dept of Streerog and Prasut Tantra, Rural Institute of Ayurved, Research centre & Hospital, Mayani, Khatav, Satara, Maharashtra


Nidan Parivarjan, Etiopathogenesis, Shukrakshaya.


Nidan Parivarjan is the first step towards Chikitsa of any disease. Shukra has an important functions, Shukra provides Dhairya, Prasannata (happiness), Bala (strength), Praharsh and Bija for Garbhotpatti. Due to modern life style Dhatu poshan gets vitiated. The result of Dushit dhatu poshan, Shukra dhatu is not nourished in proper way that is quantity and quality which leads to Shukra kshaya. It reflects in following symptoms of Shukra kshaya are Dourbalya, Pandutva, Medhravedana, Vrishanvedana, Shukra avisarga, Chirat praseka, Maithuna ashakti. Also the qualitative and quantitative vitiation of Shukra dhatu results in infertility. The aim is to study the aetiopathogenesis of Shukrakshaya. The Study of total 30 male patient was carried out after appropriate consultation. Subjective parameters are Pandutva, Dourbalya, Medhravedana, Vrushanvedana. Objective parameters are Semen volume, Sperm count, Sperm motility, Sperm morphology, Haemospermia. Vata and Pitta Dosha are main Doshas in the Samprapti of Shukrakshaya. Due to Hetu sevan vata and Pitta prakopa occurs and it affects Dhatuposhana and leads to Shukra dhatu kshaya. Aharajhetus, Viharajhetus, Manasikhetus and several other factors plays main role in Shukrakshaya.


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How to Cite

Raviteja Mane*, Shital S. Mane, Mandave Kundalik. THE STUDY OF ETIOPATHOGENESIS IN SHUKRAKSHAYA. Ayushdhara [Internet]. 2019Feb.16 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(6):1946-5. Available from:

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