Importance of Jaloukavacharana in Dadru Kushta (Tinea Corporis) - A Case Study
Dadru, Tinea Corporis Jaloukavacharana, Sadrutta, Kandu, Shamanoushadi, Rasayana.Abstract
In today’s busy lifestyle people are suffering from stress and strain, which effects on skin as a pathological condition. Even though spending lakhs together for beauty purpose, due to unhygienic and improper behaviour and not following Sadrutta they are getting skin diseases, due to atmospheric temperature and negligence towards health workers, labors, and women are more prone to get skin diseases like Dadru (Tinea corporis), scabies, eczema, dermatitis etc. Dadru is among them. It is treated with the unique procedure using Jaloukavacharana and some Shamanaoushadis as explained under the classics.
As Dadru was explained under the Kshudra kustha in Charaka Samhita. In Shushruta, explained Aseta and Seta Dardu, usually the Seta Dadru is Sukha Sadhya. Mandalakara, Kandu delayed diagnosis and elevations are the classical Lakshanas explained in Dadru. Jaloukavacharana is advised in Vata pitta kapha dushta shonita kushta rogas and it is also known as Tinea corporis.
In the present era Jalouka is trending treatment for skin disease, speciality of this Jalouka is less pain, fast relief, less cost, OPD level treatment. Jaloukas which contains Hirudine it increases the blood flow and it reduces itching. If we follow the Sadrutta it will help to prevent from skin diseases and specific Pathya apathya is also very important. You can clearly observe in this article that we followed treatment and Pathy apathy are followed by our classics.

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