A Case Report to Study the Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy on Medial Epicondylitis/Golfers Elbow
Rakta Visravana, Cupping therapy, Medial epicondylitis, Golfer’s elbow, Repetitive strainAbstract
Golfer’s elbow or Thrower’s elbow, also known as Medial epicondylitis refers to the chronic tendinosis of the flexor-pronator musculature, that is inserted on the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The overuse or repetitive stress on the elbow joint results in this tendinopathy. The Cardinal symptom is Pain on the inner and medial aspect of elbow joint & forearm, the stiffness of elbow and tingling sensation or numbness on forearm or fingers. The non-operative treatment includes mainly Activity modification, rest, ice application, counter force bracing, anti-inflammatory medicines, corticosteroid injections while Surgery involves the open debridement and reattachment of the flexor/pronator group. A 51 years old male patient visited Kunwar Shekhar Ayurvedic hospital Shalya OPD with complaints of Severe pain (Shoola), swelling (Shotha), stiffness (Stabhdhta) on Left Elbow joint medial aspect, pain radiating from Left elbow to forearm while twisting or grasping any object or doing the strainful activities, pain and restriction in movements since 1 year. The patient was indulged in wood cutting act from last one year and after that he suffered from these problems. X Ray examination of elbow joint and hand was normal. As well as, the essential blood tests were in normal range. After careful assessment and examination, he was diagnosed with Medial epicondylitis/Golfer’s elbow. The patient was given total 4 sittings of cupping therapy on affected site. The main aim of this study is to estimate the effectiveness of Rakta Visaravana technique via Cupping therapy in Medial epicondylitis and to put forth an alternative treatment modality in its management other than the Surgical and nonsurgical regimes. However, this intervention proved to be successful in providing a symptomatic relief to the patient. Thus, Cupping therapy serves to be a good therapeutic alternative to Conventional management modalities for Medial epicondylitis/Golfer’s Elbow.

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