Ayurveda, Prakriti, Scientific validation, Ayugenomics.Abstract
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian healing system with personalized approach documented and practiced since ages. Ayurveda is not merely a system of medicine, in a broader sense it is the “Science of Holistic Living and Art of Natural Healing”. Ayurveda has a unique way of classifying human population based on individual constitution or Prakriti. Ayurveda's Tridosha theory identifies principles of movement (Vata), metabolism (Pitta), and structure (Kapha) as discrete phenotypic groupings. As per this system, every individual is born with his or her own basic constitution, which to a great extent regulates inter-individual variability in susceptibility to diseases and response to external environment, diet and drugs. In the realm of modern predictive medicine, efforts are being directed towards capturing disease phenotypes with greater precision for successful identification of markers for prospective disease conditions. Due to contemporary technological advancements, newer approaches are emerging in different sciences which are beyond their frontiers, of which Precision medicine is newer one. It is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. It seems to be the continuation or advancement of personalized predictive medicine. In this context different study discussed in the article provides the identification of a genomic link to the theory of Prakriti led to a search for possible classification of people on their Prakriti based on their genetic makeup. These studies could eventually lead to a personalization of medical practice on the basis of Prakriti as is conceived in Ayurveda. This reappraisal of Ayurveda in light of fundamental science and its advances would be immensely helpful to perceive Ayurveda in true scientific fervor.