
  • Dnyaneshwar Dhole* Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Aditya Ayurved College, Beed, Maharashtra
  • Atul Sanap Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashatra, Aditya Ayurved College, Beed, Maharashtra
  • Jayashree Mhaisekar Associate Professor, Department of Rachanasharir, Govt. AyurvedCollege, Osmanabad, Maharashtra
  • Shende K. L Associate Professor, Kayachikitsa department, Swami Vivekanand Ayurved Medical College, Pargaon (SD.) Shrigonda, Ahmednagar, Maharshtra


Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of Charakokta sauvarchaladi churna and Theo-asthalin in Shwas”, it aimed at evaluating the efficacy of Sauvarchaladi Churna in Shwas. Materials and Methods: A study was conducted and 60 patients were randomly selected of Shwas, attending OPD or IPD department of Kayachikitsa OPD was included in study and divided into 2 groups. In Group A 30 patients were selected and trial drug was advocated in a dose of 3gm twice a day with Koshna Jal as Anupana. In Group B 30 patients were selected, Tab Theo-Asthalin was given twice a day. Treatment was given for 30 days with the result assessment recorded at every 5 days. Subjective and objective parameters were analyzed before and after the treatment. In subjective parameters Pinasa, Kasa veg, Kapha Sthivan, Shwas Veg gati, Asino Labhate Saukhyam, Ghurghurakam, while ESR, Chest Expansion, Breath holding time and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) are considered as objective parameters.

Results: Effect of the Sauverchaladi churn (Group A) and Tab. Theo-Asthalin (Group B) on symptoms observed in Shwas is statistically proved to be significant. But on comparison between two groups, group A is more effective in reducing the symptoms Kasa veg, Kapha Sthivan, Shwas Veg gati, Asino Labhate Saukhyam. In reducing the symptoms Pinasa and Ghurghurakam there is no significant difference between two groups i.e. both groups are equally effective. It was observed that total percentage of relief in symptoms in Group A is 75.24%, whereas in Group B it was found 63.86%. It shows that Group A therapy of Saauvarchaladi churna is more effective in relieving symptoms of Shwas.

Conclusion: Comparison between two groups was statistically evaluated by chi- square test. The Chi-square value 7.929 at 2 degrees of freedom, P<0.001 which is statistically highly significant which suggest that Group A was more effective than Group B.


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How to Cite

Dnyaneshwar Dhole*, Atul Sanap, Jayashree Mhaisekar, Shende K. L. A CLINICAL STUDY OF CHARAKOKTA SAUVARCHALADI CHURNA IN SHWAS (ASTHMA). Ayushdhara [Internet]. 2018Jan.1 [cited 2025Mar.7];4(5):1308-16. Available from: https://ayushdhara.in/index.php/ayushdhara/article/view/331